Watch Our Online Video Series On Important Heart Topics And Meet Your Doctor

This February, American Heart Month, Premier Heart and Vascular Center announces it is one of the first cardiology practices in the Tampa Bay area to offer PET/CT imaging.

Este febrero, el Mes de Corazón en Estados Unidos, Premier Heart and Vascular Center anuncia que es uno de los primeros consultorios de cardiología en el área de la Bahía de Tampa en ofrecer imágenes PET-CT (por sus insignias en inglés).

H2H Topic: Understanding Cholesterol

Dr. Chetan Khamare explains the basics of cholesterol. Learn what the causes are, how to control it, and how to achieve healthy levels.

H2H Topic: Congestive Heart Failure

Dr. Vikas Soma discusses the causes for Congestive Heart Failure and testing.